Terms & Conditions
- In order to submit or vote for a Grant Application you must be registered on the secure toothillbiglocal.co.uk web site.
- Grant applicants who wish to submit paper records of individuals’ support should request a form from Toothill Big Local which will include authorisation to record voter information on toothillbiglocal.co.uk.
- In compliance with Data Protection law, in order to submit and /or vote for a Grant Application online you agree to your information being recorded within toothillbiglocal.co.uk. This is the only location where this information is recorded.
- Should you wish to delete your registration please confirm this in writing to info@toothillbiglocal.co.uk. Please note that deletion of your registration may also delete any votes of support that you have previously made.Persons completing the form on behalf of the applying organisation must be at least 18 years of age.
- Applicants must make due consideration of equality and diversity.
- Grants can only be awarded if their purpose is compliant with Big Local rules. Grants cannot be awarded in lieu of activities that are the responsibility of statutory bodies; these include (but are not limited to) Borough and County Councils, central government, police, education and other authorities.
- Toothill Big Local grants may only be used for the purpose for which they were awarded. In the event the recipient organisation wishes to re-direct any of the award, a written request must be submitted to the Toothill Big Local for approval prior to such changes being made. This will be considered as a new application by the committee, and approval should not be considered to be automatic.
- Retrospective awards cannot be made, and in the event that the organisation does not comply with this Big Local requirement, the full amount of the funding in question must be returned to the Toothill Big Local without undue delay.
- Organisations whose previous applications were successful may not be considered ahead of first-time applicants unless the initial project proved to be extremely successful.
- Funding can be used for either capital expenditure (e.g. equipment, furniture, etc.) or revenue costs (e.g. venue hire costs and utilities costs), but not consumables (such as stationery) or perishables (such as refreshments).
- Applicants will be required to explain why their project would not be able to proceed without the Big Local funding.
- Successful applicants will be required to provide feedback on the impact of the grant award, through the completion of a Grant Feedback Form and will be required to collect some statistical data relating to their project. However, this will be minimal and the necessary forms will be provided with confirmation of the grant award.
- Successful organisations may be included in Toothill Big Local communications.
- In the event that an organisation in receipt of Big Local funding ceases to operate within 12 months of the grant being paid, the Toothill Big Local may require capital equipment purchased and revenue not spent to be returned for re-distribution within the community. In the first instance you will be contacted by your Big Local liaison officer.
For further information on the Big Local or the application process, please contact the Partnership Committee:
Due to the pandemic we are now working from home, please email us on info@toothillbiglocal.co.uk