100% approved
£1,000 project cost
39 say yes
Steps for Layla is trying to raise around £60,000 for an operation and aftercare to help a little local girl to walk. Many kind and generous people are working hard to raise these funds and its fantastic that so far over £12,000 is in the pot - for more information visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/steps4layla .
Although the Big Local can't contribute directly to the fund it can help to fund room hire for fundraising events. This grant will be a great help in paying for some fund raising events this year.
Project Cost: £1,000
Community support needed: 25
Charity: 1164473
Timescale: 6 months +
Steps For Layla
E : info@toothillbiglocal.co.uk
W : justgiving.com/fundraising/steps4layla