To provide a CCTV system to cover all areas of the community centre. by: Community Centre Manager

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100% Complete

100% approved

£3,192 project cost

109 say yes

To provide a CCTV system to cover all areas of the community centre. by: Community Centre Manager


What would you do to improve Toothill?

To provide a CCTV system to cover all areas of the community centre. The CCTV will provide security for the staff and users of the centre and will also help us to monitor the use of the rooms with an aim to increase future bookings..

What is the aim of this project?

The Toothill Community Centre has been here for the community for over 30 years and is in need of some upgrades to the current facilities and the committee is looking in to ways to achieve this and also how this could be funded.

Our immediate aim is to make the centre feel more secure for current users and encourage new user groups to use the centre. Improved security is the first step on the road to better facilities.

Project Cost: £3,192

Community support needed: 100

Timescale: 5 years +

Maintenance, Safety & Access

Community Centre Manager

T : 01793614492

E :