A New Cooker for the Toothill Community Centre by: Toothill Community Centre Manager

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100% Complete

100% approved

£1,332 project cost

51 say yes

A New Cooker for the Toothill Community Centre by: Toothill Community Centre Manager


What would you do to improve Toothill?

What is the aim of this project?

The cooker at the centre is not fit for purpose and needs replacement asap. The cooker is of commercial standard and is regularly used by the lunch club, private functions and other groups. In the event that the community centre is upgraded or replaced as part of the community’s plans for the TBL grant, the new cooker will be fully transferable to the new facility.

Project Cost: £1,332

Community support needed: 50

Where: Toothill Community Centre

Charity: 1064423

Timescale: 15 years +

Maintenance, Safety & Access

Toothill Community Centre Manager

T : 01793 614492

E : toothillcommunitycentre@ymail.com